— WellifyMe
Business development that gives you both the confidence to expand, and the freedom to focus on your priorities.
Solutions: Sales support and customer service
Sectors: Professional and business services

Growing a business isn’t just about gaining new clients, it’s about finding a target audience. For this supplier in a challenging market like the healthcare industry, finding the right clients and learning how to reach them was critical. OKIN experts were able to provide infrastructure and strategies that helped this supplier breakthrough the scheduling barriers to busy clients.
The challenge
As a growing start-up, the leadership at WellifyMe were used to wearing many hats. “As an entrepreneur, there is always more to do. It is a matter of trying to figure out where to invest your time to keep the business moving forward,” Matt Curran, Executive Vice President.
When thinking about how to scale and expand their business, getting their products in front of the right audience was identified as a key challenge. As a supplier to the healthcare industry, it was exceptionally difficult to get through to the right people and find time in their busy schedules. Especially as there were often layers of gatekeepers involved in the scheduling process.
WellifyMe knew that they didn’t have the calling capacity necessary to find and set the right appointments for their sales team – and also that it was not an infrastructure they wanted to invest in. As a result, they decided to look for a partner they could lean on. Someone with all of the skills and infrastructure necessary to get their sales team in front of the right prospects. But knowing how important a first interaction can be in forming a potential client’s opinion of their brand, they also knew they couldn’t trust just anyone to handle these contacts.
WellifyMe knew how important these early interactions were to the experience clients have with their brand. This meant they were not going to trust just anyone with these tasks.
OKIN Process was a really easy partner to work with. There was an ego-free exchange of ideas that allowed us to iterate and find continual process improvements.
Matt Curran
Executive Vice President, WellifyMe
The solution
As WellifyMe learned about business process outsourcing, they learned about OKIN Process and decided to start a program with them. OKIN’s commitment to earning their client’s business every day, and focus on being easy to work with, gave WellifyMe the confidence, as a start-up, to make the investment and get to work on an initial project. WellifyMe decided to start using OKIN Process to support business development projects for their QDP product. This product is focused on dentists, so the OKIN team put together a process that would scale outreach and get more appointments booked. WellifyMe and OKIN developed the program for business development over 2 weeks and then the OKIN team got to work.
Scalable Team & Iterative Process
During the development of the program, WellifyMe participated in a knowledge transfer, and that became the basis of the training program OKIN developed for WellifyMe. That training program allowed multiple people to be trained up on WellifyMe’s program. This meant that if one member of the team was not available, other members could step in and keep WellifyMe projects going.
This type of coverage is usually not available to small businesses, and it meant WellifyMe could avoid having delays in their program. With OKIN, that one training immediately starting to scale. WellifyMe now had a team that not only could do what WellifyMe trained them on but were able to come back with reports and recommendations on how to make WellifyMe’s business operations better.
Curran notes, “OKIN Process was a really easy partner to work with. There was an ego-free exchange of ideas that allowed us to iterate and find continual process improvements.”
A signature trait of OKIN’s people is to find solutions to challenges clients haven’t even identified yet. At the beginning of a new role or function, OKIN would be provided with the client’s training materials. What this quickly revealed was a collection of disparate resources and lost opportunities to share best practices. With a fresh perspective, the OKIN team looked for applications that the client was already using, but wasn’t taking full advantage of, such as Sharepoint and Confluence. This allowed OKIN to collate all training resources into accessible formats that could then be used to train OKIN staff and other contractors to the highest standard in the quickest time.
300% increase in call volumes
The results
OKIN stepped in to contact dentist offices and set appointments, providing lead generation, sales support, and account management services – increasing call volumes by 300%.
“We could not have done it by ourselves,” Curran added. “We were able to implement a process to reach the medical profession in a courteous and professional manner so we could schedule their time with our time. That lead to our success.”
This allowed OKIN Process to scale sales and close 13 sales in 13 weeks in a challenging market.
Not only were these results rapid and consistent, but there were also sustainable for the team.
Additional Support
Once WellifyMe saw the results with sales, they looked for additional opportunities where they could leverage the team. This is where OKIN was able to provide technical support for payment processing and the application process.
This allowed WellifyMe to improve response times and find another area where they could improve the user experience – which ultimately helps improve the strength of their brand in the market.
Now, as WellifyMe brings on new clients, they know their OKIN team can also support them beyond the sales and continue to provide a great experience for them.
Peace of Mind to Focus on Strategic Parts of the Business
While there is still more to do at the end of each day, WellifyMe feels they can spend more time on the strategic aspects of the business.
“Of the priorities we had to juggle as entrepreneurs, we were able to offload 3-5 things from our daily routine to OKIN.” Curran adds, “We also knew that things we offloaded to OKIN were being managed properly so they were not coming back to us and causing more work.”
The weekly check-in meetings with their OKIN team gives WellifyMe visibility into the projects, and opportunities to work with the team to refine and improve the process. OKIN has also been able to proactively come to the table with additional suggestions for the WellifyMe team to consider based on their industry experience, strategic partnerships, and innovative solutions.
WellifyMe knows that with OKIN, they are getting a team and platform that helps them leapfrog ahead. They have access to the technology and infrastructure that makes this type of team and collaboration possible. While the open communication and collaborative style of OKIN Process makes them easy to work with.
Ready for Any Investor Meeting
As a company that has raised money, WellifyMe knows one of the questions they get asked by investors is, “How will you scale?”
WellifyMe now has multiple use cases that show how their collaboration with OKIN can help scale their business. “It gives me great confidence to go into those meetings, not just talking about it in theory. I am able to point to results and experience already doing it,” Curran shares.
As WellifyMe looks to the future, they know they can incorporate OKIN Process into their plans to hit growth and revenue targets.
Next Steps
WellifyMe truly sees OKIN Process as a partner in their business and is already thinking about additional ways they can leverage the OKIN Process team. On the horizon, WellifyMe sees using OKIN Process to support their RFP process in a timely and compliant manner to drive more sales in an additional area of their business.
WellifyMe also sees sharing OKIN with other entrepreneurs as an opportunity to help other businesses. As Curran explains, “Hopefully, I can help remove the question mark for other businesses. If you are thinking about using OKIN Process, give them a try.”
Akorbi Digital RunMyProcess (RMP)
Global telecoms client